Monthly Archives: November 2015

Manuscript Road Trip: Introducing the Beauvais Missal!

The Flight into Egypt, Walters Art Museum, MS W.188, f.112r

The Flight into Egypt, Walters Art Museum, MS W.188, f.112r

I spent the weekend at the Schoenberg Institute for Manuscript Studies at the University of Pennsylvania, attending the 8th Annual Schoenberg Symposium on Manuscripts in the Digital Age. The theme was “Picking up the Pieces,” devoted to fragments and fragmentology, and I was asked to present my digital reconstruction of the Beauvais Missal and discuss some of my initial findings. And here it is:

On the site, you will find records for each of the 94 known leaves of the Missal, links to brief summaries of my initial findings (in the Exhibit space), and a link out to the Broken Books Mirador manifest, the digital surrogate of the Beauvais Missal.

Ninety-four leaves located, 215 to go! I know they’re out there somewhere…


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